Please Register soon!
RMCC Yuma Rally
Hosts: Brian & Valerie Smith
Event Schedule:
2/15- arrivals, no planned activities
We have made arrangements with a vendor to wash and wax any size coach for members wanting this service during the rally for an additional fee of $175.
2/16- free day till happy hour @ 5pm
2/17- Breakfast @ the RV park Tour of Martha’s Gardens Date farm
2/18- Trip to Mexico (passport required) Dinner at the RV park
2/19- Breakfast at the RV park Territorial Prison tour
2/20- Visit Arizona Market Place
Open air market
Dinner at the RV park
2/21- Visit Historic Downtown Yuma Dinner at Da Boyz Italian Restaurant
2/22- Breakfast at the RV park and depart
Place: Westwind RV & Golf Resort Rally fee $850. Additional days can be booked through the park for $33+tax Website: Westwindrvgolfresort.com
Don't miss out on this fun-filled week of adventure. We can't wait to see you there!
Visit their website (click to go to a new tab and Westwind's website)